Thursday, April 23, 2009


In my last newsletter, I asked for prayer about the World Missions Summit 2, a convention I was planning to attend December 28-January 2. Here are a few testimonies of how I saw God at work, before, during and after the event.

In early December, the Summit team (above) visited homes as Singing Christmas Cards. Quite a few Chi Alpha students joined us, and we all had a lot of fun. We sang carols and gave out homemade cookies then asked the recipients to send us to another home by making a donation for our trip. Students also raised funds by sending friends and family members invitations to a Pretend Tea Party. The invitation included an appeal to support the student’s discovery of God’s missional heart at twms2. The response was special provision far beyond what we had expected. One students’ entire trip was covered by her fundraising efforts. After the Summit, she slipped me a check of her own, this one to pay another student’s hotel expenses. It was great to see selfless generosity become contagious!

With the lowest gas prices in years, we drove 2000 miles from Missoula, MT to Cincinnati, OH in our Chi Alpha minivan (below) without incident. At the Summit, we experienced powerful times of worship and teaching, and took part in interactive exhibits of missionary activity around the world. It was intense. One missionary challenged us with the phrase, “Don’t be a afraid to cry,” by which he meant don’t be afraid to speak the Gospel, whether or not it is popular to do so. Each of the UM students responded to the Summit by committing to “Give a year and pray about a lifetime” of missions.

After the last session, our group took a few minutes to discuss what God had laid on our hearts during the week. Scott, the UM Chi Alpha Director, asked the students how the Summit would affect their lives in the short-term. Each shared the conviction that they had been negligent in sharing Christ with people they have seen daily at UM. As a group, we left Cincinnati with a renewed sense of urgency to make the gospel known among our classmates, coworkers, neighbors and friends.

Since then, Kiira has become more vocal about her faith and is inviting classmates to Chi Alpha events left and right. Clay has taken risks to act on the Holy Spirit’s leading, giving him opportunities to talk and pray with other students on campus. Laura is finding more ways to stand up for her faith among her coworkers in the Army Reserves, and God is putting her in places of influence and leadership in that community. Ashli is learning how to be a witness in the challenging environment of an athletic team. She will also be going on her first overseas missions trip to Poland and Slovakia this May. It has been an exciting semester, but I believe this is just the beginning— the “first fruits”— of the Summit’s influence. Thanks so much for your prayers. Someday we’ll know what part you have played in the harvest.

Prayer Requests

♦Please pray that the fire of evangelism kindled in students’ hearts is not quenched by stress or busyness, but instead keeps spreading and growing.

♦Please pray for Big Sky Expeditions ’09 to Poland and Slovakia, May 19-June 4. I’ll co-lead a team of 9 students with 2 other Chi Alpha staff. Pray for our fundraising, unity in our team, and safety in our travels. Pray that God softens and prepares the hearts of the Poles and Slovaks we will meet. Pray that we will proclaim the Good News with boldness. Finally, pray that I have wisdom and courage in leadership. Thanks!