Saturday, July 4, 2009

Big Sky Expeditions '09

Big Sky '09 team with Curt and Sara Hobbs, missionaries to Krakow, Poland

“If you died tonight, what would you tell God if He asked you why He should let you into heaven?” “I don’t know. I’ve never thought of that before…”

A month ago today the Big Sky Expeditions ‘09 team was finishing up its missions trip in Poland and Slovakia. What did we do? We led conversational English classes for students ages 6-18 in schools. We conducted interviews and evangelistic surveys, asking Poles and Slovaks their thoughts on spiritual topics, such as the question above. We listened as they shared what they would like to ask a spiritual adviser. We shared the gospel in park outreaches in Slovakia. We prayed with some to receive Christ as their Savior and others to receive healing. We encouraged and challenged Polish teens at a youth convention with testimonies, music and dramas. Some of my favorite moments as a leader were seeing “light bulbs” go on in the students on our team. Before we did surveys, Shani expressed that she was not looking forward to them, having seen similar outreaches done in a way that felt judgmental and inappropriate. I encouraged her to keep an open mind and let God lead her. A few hours later, she was deep in conversations with people she met through the surveys. Through these she was able to plant seeds of truth and share the gospel. Afterwards, she even said it had been fun! Thank you for praying for our trip. And thank you so much for the financial gifts that made it possible for me to help lead this team. Finally, if you would like to read more about my 8-day solo trip after the Big Sky team left, see the post “všetko v poriadku” on my blog leaves...

Bóg błogosławi was! (God bless you!)

Ashli sharing her testimony at a park outreach, Lenka translating

team performing drama, "Running the Race" (1 Cor. 9:24-27), at Poland Youth Convention

Shani (center) with a few of the Slovak girls she interviewed

Prayer Requests
  • for the Poles and Slovaks we met and prayed with, that God would continue speaking to them and that they would seek to know Him
  • for the beginning of semester outreaches here at UM in August, that God would connect us with new students